You can help us by participating in the following programs that will donate funds to the Clinic. Remember every penny that we receive helps to buy food, medications and shelter for our animal patients. Please spread the word to your friends and family. Following the program descriptions is a list of the things we always need. If you would like to help, consider donating from this list.
- iGive - Your shopping at hundreds of online stores such as Lands' End, Barnes and Noble,
Eddie Bauer, PETsMART, DELL, eBay, Office Max, ProFlowers, GameStop and Coldwater Creek helps us with each purchase! A percentage of each eligible purchase will be donated to the Clinic. It’s all free and private. Join today by clicking the picture.
- eScrip - A proven resource for fundraising where participating business partners
contribute a percentage of your grocery loyalty cards, credit card, and debit/ATM card purchases to the school, group or organization of your choice. Sign up by clicking the picture.
- Amazon Smile - Go to and choose Diamond Rock Wildlife as your charity.
- - Setup your default search engine in your internet browser to be . Then pick your charity as Diamond Rock Wildlife Rehabilitation Clinic. Goodsearch utilizes the Yahoo search engine and donates a penny for every search to the Clinic.
· Live mealworms · Fresh greens · Fruit/vegetables/chicken baby foods · Grocery Store gift cards
· Heating Pads (not auto shut-off)
Medical Supplies
· Lactated Ringers · Syringes (all sizes) · Needles (all gauges) · Latex or non-latex exam gloves · Cotton balls · Q-Tips
Cleaning Supplies
· Plain white paper towels · Unscented liquid laundry detergent (HE) . Unscented Downy fabric softener · Clorox brand bleach · Clorox Clean-Up liquid · Dawn dish detergent · Plain white Kleenex · Clorox wipes · Trash bags (13 or 30 gallon)
· Good release sites for our bats · Home Depot/Lowes gift cards · First Class (Forever) Mail Stamps · Copier and/or photo paper
Use the PayPal button to make a donation today. Your donations are greatly appreciated and tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law.